10 Great Stan Lee Cameos Not In Marvel Movies

7. The Big Bang Theory

Stan Lee The Simpsons

2010 was obviously a busy year for Stan the Man on TV. With just one MCU movie in Iron Man 2, he instead busied himself with his Nikita appearance in October, Entourage in August, and, first, his obligatory Big Bang guest slot in March.

When the biggest sitcom in America is dedicated to a group of geeky guys and packed with guest star appearances from scientists to sci-fi actors to comic book legends, you know that Lee would have to appear sooner or later.

The third season episode "The Excelsior Acquisition" saw Lee turn up for a signing at the comic book store and three of the guys getting to meet him and go out for gelato afterwards (all off screen), while Sheldon misses out due to a court appearance (a plotline from a previous episode).

Ultimately, the episode resolves itself with Penny trying to make amends by taking Sheldon to Lee's house, whereupon the man himself answers the door in some stylish Fantastic 4 pyjamas. Annoyed at his barging in uninvited, Lee takes out a restraining order on Sheldon, which really is the sensible thing to do. Good for him.

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Stan Lee
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