10 Great Stan Lee Cameos Not In Marvel Movies

3. Mallrats

Stan Lee The Simpsons
Gramercy Pictures

Before any of his appearances in mainstream superhero movies, Lee got to expand his filmography thanks to the rise of geeks turned indie auteurs like Kevin Smith.

Smith cast an unusually bearded Lee in his 1995 sophomore effort, a slacker comedy set in not just a single convenience store but a whole mall. Here Lee plays the role usually reserved for Smith's own Silent Bob character, offering sage romantic advice based on his own rich experience and past failings, in this case to Jason Lee's unemployed recently dumped comic book geek Brodie.

It's a much bigger part than that usually given to Lee, allowing him to engage in an on-running conversation and deliver a fairly lengthy monologue about the value of love and the effect of heartbreak on his famous comic book creations, rather than the simple one-liners that make up his later Marvel appearances. It's still a parody version of himself, but one that gets to seem more like a real person.

Lee would work with Smith once more, cameoing as a police office in Smith's flop Canadian convenience store clerks versus Nazi bratwurst comedy horror Yoga Hosers.

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Stan Lee
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