10 Great Stan Lee Cameos Not In Marvel Movies

2. The Ambulance

Stan Lee The Simpsons
Epic Productions

Lee got his start in the movies all the way back in 1990, really stretching his acting range with the part of "Marvel Comics editor" in this comedy thriller from exploitation film master Larry Cohen (director of It's Alive, Q: The Winged Serpent, and The Stuff).

In the film a young - and marvellously mulleted - Eric Roberts plays a comic book artist that meets a young woman who, after she collapses, is whisked away in an ambulance that never makes it to the hospital. As Roberts' Josh tries to uncover the conspiracy behind the ambulance, Lee as his boss just wants him to do his job.

"I want to ask you something, Josh, are you planning to do any work this morning?" Stan demands, proving a rather less sympathetic ear to girl troubles than he would be in Mallrats. "What's the use, Stan?" Josh replies, seeming surprisingly unconcerned with keeping his job at Marvel.

The Ambulance is no better than a minor curiosity, both as a lightweight B-movie mystery and as a Stan Lee cameo. However, for fans of the comics legend's cameos and self-parodies it's well worth a watch to see Lee's proper big screen debut.

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Stan Lee
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Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies