10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Star Wars Moments

5. Fives Tells Rex He Only Ever Wanted To Do His Duty - The Clone Wars

The Book Of Boba Fett Cad Bane Death

Joining the likes of Maul and a great many more cradled Star Warsa goners is a certain Clone who is responsible for one of the most heart-breaking conclusions in the history of this sprawling saga.

After becoming privy to the eventually disastrous Order 66 plot that would eventually massacre much of the Jedi Order, CT-5555, better known as Fives, found himself in an increasingly perilous situation as he attempted to evade Palpatine's forces and inform Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex about the incoming plan.

With both Skywalker and Rex understandably sceptical about Fives' revelation, the desperate Clone knew there was little hope in his survival on Coruscant as Commander Fox and his fellow troops closed in on him. Yet, despite Fox's calls of "don't do it, soldier!" as Fives impulsively reached for a blaster to defend himself, it was too late.

One accurate blast later, Fives' final breaths foreshadowed the dark fate that was on the horizon for both the Jedi and Clones, claiming the incoming plot was bigger than any of them and that he only ever wanted to do his duty as the mission and nightmares finally came to an end for the tortured soul.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...