10 Greatest Alien Movies Of All Time

5 €“ Close Encounters of The Third Kind

Alien abduction has been a human obsession since it was first discovered there was something beyond the blue of the sky. Steven Spielberg managed to bring the quintessential abduction move to cinemas in his early years and brought with him some of the elements that would go on to be become the clichés of the Spielberg world.

Made in 1977, the film displays the now standard family with issues being drawn back together by something out of their control, children in peril, suspense that builds and builds until you think your face is going to fold in on itself and state of the art special effects that Spielberg films now must have or€well, it just wouldn€™t be Spielberg without them, would it?

From the first UFO sightings in Muncie, Indiana to the fantastic finale at Devil's Tower in Wyoming, this is a film that many subsequent alien abduction filmmakers could learn a lot from. Of course many have emulated the film over the years, many without much success, and even Spielberg has returned to the territory on a number of occasions on both the big screen with War of The Worlds and on TV with Falling Skies. However, nothing compares to this true original. No other film has made me want to believe in aliens more, and you€™ll never look at a plate of mashed potatoes the same again.


Anthony Lund is a writer and puppet maker from Durham. He is the author of the Dickens parody, A Christmas Carol Retold, and also works as a Showbiz & Music news writer. His new novel, Grim Reaping, is out at the end of October. More information can be found at his website,