10 Greatest Alien Movies Of All Time

4 - Avatar

James Cameron€™s epic masterpiece, which encompasses 3D technology like never before, took so long to make it to the cinema that we were forced to suffer any number of cheap, badly acted, terribly written sci-fi movies that left many alien-loving cinema goers believing that they may never again see a decent film involving extra-terrestrial life. Similarly, 3D movies had been a bit hit and miss, so when Avatar did arrive everyone wanted to see it.

The story, in its most basic form, boils down to this €“ by the year 2148 humans have dried up the Earth€™s natural resources and decide to evict a bunch of aliens from their planet in order to mine for more. That€™s right; more moral tales under the surface of vividly rendered planets and quite human aliens.

There is so much that Cameron does right in Avatar that it almost exonerates him for bringing the mush-fest of Titanic to the screens€twice. Almost.


Anthony Lund is a writer and puppet maker from Durham. He is the author of the Dickens parody, A Christmas Carol Retold, and also works as a Showbiz & Music news writer. His new novel, Grim Reaping, is out at the end of October. More information can be found at his website,