10 Greatest Blu-ray & DVD Packaging Ever

2. Evil Dead Book of the Dead/Necronomicon Edition

As far as we're concerned, you're asking for trouble if you go out and buy yourself a Necronomicon, but it's your choice, and to be fair the bound and grotty-looking appearance of the Evil Dead & Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn box sets are an essential part of any self-respecting horror nut's collection. More traditional than many of the other entries on this list but no less striking and original, both sets could fit easily on your DVD shelf, despite the fact they'd probably stick out like a sore, skinless thumb, and you might end up being too tempted to open up the pages and read out what's inside, summoning the local Deadites to come and possess your nearest and dearest... ...Yeah, probably best just to leave them in the basement where you found them, then.
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.