10 Greatest Christmas Movie Villains Ever

4. The Sun (The Snowman)

Home Alone Wet Bandits
Channel 4

Many kids’ first experience of death is the shooting of Bambi’s mother by the offscreen hunter. For British children of a certain era, though, mortality is perhaps best encapsulated by another unseen murderer - the sun, which callously melts the titular Snowman in the classic film based on Raymond Briggs’ book.

For a child, this is one of the most shocking moments imaginable. You’ve spent half an hour enthralled by the beautiful animation, this televised depiction of sheer joy and imagination.

The Snowman comes to life - amazing! He rewards his maker with the power of flight, and takes him to meet Father Christmas - brilliant! Depending on which version you watch, there’s an introduction by David Bowie (wearing a great scarf) - fantastic! And then the very next morning, the boy runs downstairs to continue the party, only to find the Snowman dead, turned into a puddle by a Christmas heat wave. The haunting music rises, and the credits roll.

It’s devastating, but admirably bold and honest. You’ve had your fun, with the flying around, but it’s important to understand the realities of life. Time moves on, kids, and people die. What’s Christmas for if not teaching stark lessons about mortality?

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)