10 Greatest Christmas Movie Villains Ever

3. Harry & Marv (Home Alone)

Home Alone Wet Bandits
20th Century Fox

The Home Alone series is the saga of a psychotic kid who miraculously doesn’t murder a pair of down on their luck thieves. Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci play hapless crooks who have the poor fortune to case the joint of Chicago’s most violent pre-teen - that they live to tell the tale is nothing short of a miracle.

Home Alone is a live action cartoon, in which one can be set ablaze and take more head shots than a late 90s wrestler without any lasting damage. The script makes the clever decision to give the burglars a spiteful penchant for flooding the houses they rob - as such, it’s that much easier to take delight in the punishment they absorb at the hands of Macaulay Culkin.

Unfortunately, Harry and Marv prove to be incapable of rehabilitation - on spotting young Kevin in New York a few years later, they decide to progress their criminal careers from theft to murder, though again they’re foiled by the teflon tot.

Pesci and Stern throw themselves into their roles and do much of the heavy lifting in the phenomenally successful films. They may be playing cartoonish criminals, but they do so with aplomb, and manage to make a pair of would-be child murderers surprisingly relatable. In their shoes, you’d want to kill Kevin too.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)