10 Greatest Comic Book Movie Endings

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - SHIELD Goes Down In Flames

Joker Calling Card
Marvel Studios

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is, in many ways, Marvel Studios' boldest film to date. Not only did it branch out into spy thriller territory, it tore down the series' status quo in explosive fashion during the final act.

Suspense, action and emotion run off the charts while dual final battles play out simultaneously. Black Widow and Nick Fury square off against Robert Redford's Alexander Pierce while Cap and Falcon are caught up in a race against time to take down those compromised SHIELD helicarriers.

These sequences culminate with the airships crashing down into SHIELD HQ, a symbol of might and authority in the MCU, and both going up in flames. It was a powerful visual metaphor that represented Marvel ripping down its cinematic walls mid-phase to pave the way for something new.

As if that wasn't enough, the fans were also treated to one of the most emotionally-charged battles ever seen in a comic book movie when Cap and the Winter Soldier came to blows. Steve Rogers's refusal to fight back against his former comrade is the catalyst that sets Bucky off on his long journey back towards the light.

The aftermath of the battle wastes no opportunity generating intrigue for future sequels, sending Cap and Falcon, Black Window and Nick Fury off on different paths with infinite possibilities.


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