10 Greatest Comic Book Movie Endings

6. Logan - A Legacy Laid To Rest

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Hugh Jackman gave 17 years of his life to playing Wolverine, portraying him exactly as he should be portrayed, even if the movie in question was a dud. That wasn't the case with James Mangold's stellar Logan, and it gave his character the bittersweet sendoff he needed.

The stakes were never high in this incarnation of Wolvie's final movie outing. The mutants had lost the war, the world was already a generally unpleasant place, and all that's left to fight for is the chance of a better life for a young mutant named Laura, who turns out to be the protagonist's daughter.

The bad guys are defeated, Laura lives (though her ultimate fate is uncertain) and iconic X-Men characters Logan and Professor X are laid to rest. It's a sombre conclusion to Wolverine's arc, but after a life marred to untold pain and suffering, he would no doubt have welcomed eternal rest's peaceful embrace.

Everything about Logan's end is fitting. Family is what saved him during his dark days when the X-Men gave him a shot at redemption, so it's only apt that it's Laura who defeats his evil clone, killing off the worst elements of the hero for good, just in time for Wolverine to experience paternal love right at the end of his life.

It's that final shot of Wolvie's X-marked grave which seals the deal. By shifting the cross on its side, Laura removes its religious connotations and turns it into a symbol of everything Logan lived for. Perfection.


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