10 Greatest Easter-Themed Horror Movies

4. Night Of The Lepus

Fist Of Jesus

After an experiment designed to curb rampant rabbit reproduction goes awry, a small American town is overrun by a herd of hungry, supersized bunnies who have ditched their usual vegetarian diets in favour of human flesh.

Admittedly, the bloodthirsty bunnies are the only link to Easter in the film but horrors of a purely Lent-themed nature are quite rare so cut us some slack, ok? It’s also true to say that thanks to B-movie budget constrictions, the movie pretty much amounts to 90 minutes of regular-sized rabbits with ketchup blood smeared on their faces running around a miniature-sized set to make them look big and menacing.

Which is all very silly of course, but Night of the Lepus is nevertheless a must-see camp cult classic. And it stars OG scream queen Janet Leigh (plus a tonne of fluffy bunnies), so how bad could it really be?


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