10 Greatest Easter-Themed Horror Movies

3. Fist Of Jesus

Fist Of Jesus
Eskoria Films

According to the bible, not long before his own Eastertime crucifixion and subsequent resurrection, Jesus brought a dude called Lazarus back from the dead. That’s the starting point of co-directors Adrián Cardona and David Muñoz short Spanish horror Fist of Jesus but the film departs starkly from biblical canon when ole Lazarus comes back as a flesh-hungry zombie and starts munching and infecting those around him.

After initially screaming like a wuss and running away, Jesus and his BFF Judas face a horde of the undead using JC’s fish multiplying skills to conjure up swordfish and piranhas to use as deadly projectile weapons to take down Pharisee zombies, Roman zombies and cowboy zombies, bizarrely enough.

Probably not the most appropriate horror film for Catholics, Christians or anyone easily offended, Fist of Jesus is gore-drenched fun with its tongue firmly planted in cheek. Imagine Monty Python’s Life of Brian crossed with early Peter Jackson and condensed down to 15 gloriously gory minutes and you’ve got the idea.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.