10 Greatest Ever Noble Sacrifices In Film

6. Obi-Wan Kenobi - A New Hope

Baymax Sacrifice Big Hero 6

There are a number of heroic sacrifices in the Star Wars series to choose from, with Vader’s big moment of redemption where he finally stops the Emperor from torturing Luke being one particular stand out. However the moment that always hits the hardest is in A New Hope when Obi-wan ceases battling Vader and allows himself to be struck down.

As he warned Vader though, in doing this he shall “become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”. By letting Vader kill him, Obi-wan not only ensures that Luke won’t waste time trying to rescue him, but will also ensure he can now serve Luke free from the confines of his physical body.

The impact of the whole sequence comes not only from seeing Luke’s shocked and pained reaction to losing his friend and guide, but also knowing that Obi-wan willingly gave his life for the greater good. Kenobi saw the big picture and knew that it was Luke who would ultimately bring a balance to the force and only through death could he be the guide and inspiration Luke needed to achieve his destiny.

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A freelance TV and Film writer based in Manchester.