10 Greatest Ever Noble Sacrifices In Film

5. Boromir - The Fellowship Of The Ring

Baymax Sacrifice Big Hero 6
New Line Cinema

While there’s perhaps an argument to be made that Boromir didn’t charge into the path of rampaging Uruk-hai knowing he would definitely die, he would certainly have been aware that the odds weren’t exactly in his favour. Especially considering he was being played by Sean Bean.

Once the Uruk-hai arrive however and Merry and Pippin are about to get snatched, Boromir storms in from nowhere and begins taking names left right and centre. He fights off countless orcs for as long as he can but is then eventually struck in the chest by three arrows. That minor inconvenience doesn’t stop him from continuing to fight for his friends however. He repeatedly finds the courage to battle on as he tries in vein to help them escape.

Noble sacrifices aren’t always necessarily successful and in this case Boromir could not stop Merry and Pippin being taken, but the mere fact that he tried to do so, putting his life on the line so that they had a fighting chance, is an incredibly noble act and proves to be his ultimate redemption.

Not long before this scene of course we’d seen Boromir finally succumb to the ring’s powers and try to take it from Frodo. It was largely his actions which then prompted Frodo to leave the fellowship and set out on his own. It was partly because of the guilt over what he had done that incited Boromir to throw himself in the path of danger, however like so many tortured heroes he recognised his faults and set about making amends for them.

His deathbed apology to Aragorn demonstrated his remorse and we come to see Boromir not as a corrupted and weak man who acted out of greed or desperation, but instead a true hero who fought bravely to protect his friends

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Big Hero 6
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A freelance TV and Film writer based in Manchester.