10 Greatest Ever Tom Cruise Running Scenes

7. Days Of Thunder

Mission Impossible Fallout
Paramount Pictures

Essentially 'Top Gun on wheels', Days of Thunder helped Tom Cruise further establish himself as one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. Remarkably, it is a position he still hasn't slipped from over 30 years later.

About as nice to look at and easy on the brain as you would expect from a Tony Scott and Jerry Bruckheimer genre flick released in 1990, the movie ends with perhaps the most whimsical Tom Cruise run ever to grace celluloid.

The cheesy music! The smiles on their faces! The freeze-frame! The underdog story is tied up in a neat little bow before the credits roll, as young Tom Cruise callously destroys a man 30 years his senior in a foot race despite giving him a head start.

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Tom Cruise
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