10 Greatest Fake Out Deaths In Movie History

8. Satan Can Play Dead With The Best Of Them (Devil)

By the time the M. Night Shyamalan-penned Devil was released in 2010, audiences were more than over the Sixth Sense guy's penchant for twist endings. But since Devil is really nothing more than a whodunnit disguised as a horror movie (an evil spirit is killing the strangers trapped in an elevator together one by one whenever the lights flicker off), there were only so many directions you could go with it. As the numbers start to thin out, everyone starts to point the finger at each other. (Because surely evil spirits aren't real.) But when there's only one dude left alive in the elevator, the whodunnit is obviously over because he's the only... OH WAIT THE OLD LADY'S CORPSE HAS BEEN REANIMATED AND SHE'S ABSOLUTELY THE DEVIL WHO GROTESQUELY KILLED THEM ALL! This may have simply been a case of Shyamalan writing himself into a corner and relying on the classic Old Lady With A Slashed Throat Comes Back From The Dead trope (that old chestnut). But the sight of that elderly woman rising up, ready to slaughter again as Satan Incarnate is bone-chilling, and worth the suspension of belief and good taste one has to maintain throughout the entire movie.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.