10 Greatest Fake Out Deaths In Movie History

7. He'll Be Back (T2: Judgment Day)

Does it count if the thing that fake dies isn't actually a human? For the sake of this article, let's go with yes. During the climactic battle of new technology vs old technology, Arnold's T-800 is outmatched by his memetic, polyalloy counterpart, and ends up simultaneously impaled and electrocuted. Though we're not explicitly told before this moment that this combination is deadly to a Terminator... come on, that's a recipe for death, no matter what the hell you're made of. (Besides, did you see the way his hand unclenches once it happens! That's how you judge robot death.) Now it seems it's entirely up to our human heroes to save the world, or at least not get similarly impaled by his liquid metal stabby fists. But then the camera pans to his blinking red eyeball, a sure sign that his power source is still on and he's not really "dead." I personally think the audience is provided too many details in between seeing that he's probably still alive and him rolling up on that giant pulley thing to blast the T-1000 away. That would have been an even cooler moment had we not already known for certain that he was on his way to save the day. He's back. JUST LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD BE ALL THOSE TIMES!

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.