5. Harry's Alive... And A Horrible Shot (Dumb & Dumber)
You can laugh at the inclusion of this one if you must, but I'm telling you, anyone who watched the movie back in 1994 had some legitimate concerns that the Farrelly Brothers had decided to mess with our heads and kill off Jeff Daniels' character just for the hell of it. And there were plenty of reasons for audiences to believe Harry actually died. For starters, Dumb & Dumber is a much darker comedy than most people like to remember. (Sea Bass came uncomfortably close to savagely raping Lloyd in that truck stop bathroom stall.) Also, Harry and Lloyd had already killed someone earlier in the movie, even if it was just supposed to be "a goof." It also had a surprising number of heartfelt moments that cut through the boneheadedness of it all. (Lloyd breaks down in their ramshackle apartment, confessing through tears, "I'm sick and tired of being a nobody...I'm sick and tired of having nobody.") So who were we to disregard the possibility that, rather than watch his pal be executed by their captor (seriously...dark stuff), Harry might sacrifice himself to save his friend. Harry is shot multiple times as Lloyd looks on in horror, delivering his line ("You killed my best friend, you bastard!") without a hint of comedic undertone. It's a pretty harrowing moment, honestly. Of course, all is right with the world when Harry pops up a few moments later, wildly shooting a pistol at their captor and broadly missing, prompting the iconic line: "Harry, you're alive! ...And you're a horrible shot."