10 Greatest Fake Out Endings In Movies

1. Everything Everywhere All At Once

Waynes World

To reiterate - if you haven't seen Everything Everywhere All At Once yet, definitely do that before reading on.

Roughly 85 minutes into the 140-minute multiversal masterpiece, protagonist Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) battles villain Jobu Tupaki's (Stephanie Hsu) various minions, before the sequence culminates in the death of Alpha Waymond (Ke Huy Quan) in the Alphaverse and Evelyn's mind overloads.

As Waymond tries to wake Evelyn and Jobu walks off, the movie suddenly smash-cuts to a closing title reading "The End" in simple white-on-black text, before running a series of end credits which list this film's real directors, the Daniels.

A clue as to what's going on quickly appears when Evelyn is herself listed as one of the film's producers, and after a beat we pull out to reveal that we're actually at a movie premiere, and these credits are from a film that another version of Evelyn, who became an actress, has starred in.

If you didn't know the movie's runtime before sitting down to watch it, though, this might've made your heart skip a beat or two, that the Daniels had committed to such an abrupt and downbeat ending.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.