10 Greatest Fake Out Endings In Movies

6. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Waynes World
Warner Bros.

Roughly 80 minutes into the second Lego Movie, it seems like the film is going to angle for a dark cliffhanger ending in the vein of, say, The Empire Strikes Back or Avengers: Infinity War.

But alas, the filmmakers instead decided to have fun with this trope, as when the Lego heroes - including Emmet (Chris Pratt) and Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks) - get put in the Bin of Storajj, the grim scene cuts to a seemingly final title card reading "The End."

After a few moments' pause, though, Wyldstyle pipes up and assures the audience that the movie ain't over yet, saying, "This isn't one of those things with a downer cliffhanger ending," and the film continues for another 25-or-so minutes.

It's just as well that the movie wasn't earnestly aiming for a cliffhanger ending, though, considering that it was one of the more unexpected box office bombs of the last few years and effectively killed the Lego Movie IP overnight.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.