10 Greatest Fake Out Endings In Movies

5. Clue

Waynes World

1985's classic adaptation of the board game Clue was utterly ground-breaking in one major respect, as Paramount decided to randomly send one of three filmed endings to cinemas around the globe.

Audiences ended up seeing different endings, yet as ingenious a marketing conceit as it was, Clue received mixed reviews and was a box office bomb upon original release.

When it came to home video, however, rather than simply picking one ending the studio opted to include all three endings sequentially.

And so, after the first ending plays out, the action suddenly pauses and a title card appears, telling audiences, "here's what could've happened." Ending two is then shown, before a second title card appears and tells viewers that the third ending they're about to see is "what really happened."

It's quite brilliant, really, and while Clue may not have been a major success in its own time, it's endured for almost 40 years as a cult favourite.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.