10 Greatest Fake Out Endings In Movies

3. One Cut Of The Dead

Waynes World
Enbu Seminar

Japanese zombie comedy One Cut of the Dead is one of the most creative horror movies you'll ever see. The film begins with a staggering 37-minute single take sequence in which the cast and crew of the titular zombie movie are attacked by a real undead horde.

At the conclusion of this sequence, the film's title appears on screen and the end credits suddenly roll.

But One Cut of the Dead isn't a mere short film, and after this the scene shifts back in time, with the rest of the movie detailing the making of the 37-minute film we just watched.

This culminates in a delirious finale that shows the "real" film crew filming the cast and crew of the 37-minute film as they pulled it off, offering an hilarious alternate perspective and revealing how certain aspects of the film came to be.

It's an ingenious feat of Russian nesting doll cinema that's utterly bewildering and endlessly inventive, and for anyone who went into the movie without knowing its big twist first, that end-of-first-act credits roll threw them way off.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.