10 Greatest Film Trilogies of All Time

07. Indiana Jones Trilogy (not including Kingdom of Crystal Skull!)

Cast your mind back to when you were a child and you saw the Indiana Jones movies for the first time. Remember how exciting they were? Remember how much you wanted to be part of his crew? Remember how much that scene made you want to try eating monkey brains? ... no? ... just us then! Indiana "Indy" Jones is a pretty average, stuffy professor by day teaching young adults about history and archaeology but in his spare time he's a master explorer who ventures out on wild and wicked expeditions to locate rare and mystical artefacts for those who can afford to pay him. Along the way he battles those pesky Nazis time and time again as well as other wacky characters and his own crippling fear of snakes - "Anything but snakes". A fourth instalment was released a few years back and completely missed the mark. Sure, it was a pretty good movie if you ignore the three that came before it and call it something else like maybe National Treasure 3, but when measured on the same scale as the tremendous original trilogy it just doesn't even begin to match up. Indiana Jones should have remained a trilogy. No amount of Alien skulls or Shia Labeouf will ever change that. The scene with the fridge is pretty cool though.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.