10 Greatest Film Trilogies of All Time

02. The Dark Knight Trilogy

What more can we say about Christopher Nolan's superb, genre defining take on the Batman story that hasn't been said before? Nolan took a franchise that was dead in the water, stripped away all of the bells and whistles and created a modern masterpiece over three very different, very powerful movies that redefined what a superhero movie can be.

From his less than humble roots as the son of a billionaire to a tortured orphan and determined young man, The Dark Knight trilogy traces the genesis of The Batman from start to finish. With six of the finest villains from DC's rogues gallery the films throw all kinds of challenges at their hero which he is able to overcome through a mixture of self-belief, buried grief and awesome weaponry pay rolled by his own billions of dollars.

There will never be another Batman film quite like the ones in Nolan's trilogy. Sure, it'll be imitated but never ever duplicated. It is the perfect contrast to the bright and bold offerings Marvel has had over the years and is a completely different beast to The Avengers.

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