10 Greatest Found Footage Films

The found footage film genre is without a doubt one of the most popular and effective we've seen in recent years. It allows amateur filmmakers to create entire worlds and situations with little to no resources and the end result always works in with the story. Based on that it's no surprise that it has now entire franchises out of nowhere. However, every time something like that (especially in the film genre) becomes increasingly popular it's no surprise that many bad and mediocre films appear each year, so it becomes harder and harder to find good movies that can be considered amongst the best in their genre. Those kind of things make it so much better when you find those jewels in the genre that makes everything so incredible. Whether it's a horror film, sci-fi, adventure or comedy, all these movies are not only some of the best Found Footage films ever made, but they're also some of the best movies ever released. Side Note: I didn't include Cannibal Holocaust on the list because the found-footage portion wasn't as long as the rest of the movie, however it's still a really effective movie. And while Mega is Missing had an interesting concept it didn't used it on its favor, and the plot feels flat with characters that really aren't that interesting. So if you like it, that's ok however I don't think it as good as all the other movies on this list.

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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.