10 Greatest 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Supernatural Horror Movies

7. Don Koch - Girl On The Third Floor

The Fog Father Malone Hal Holbrook
Queensbury Pictures

In 2019's Girl on the Third Floor, Phil 'CM Punk' Brooks brilliantly plays a complete and utter slimeball; a slimeball who very much gets his comeuppance.

Here, Brooks' Don Koch moves out to the suburbs in the hopes of a fresh start away from his criminal past. Purchasing a dilapidated old house, the plan is for Don to renovate said house ahead of his pregnant wife Liz (Trieste Kelly Dunn) joining him and his faithful dog Cooper at the property.

Unfortunately, Don has wandering eyes and soon cheats on his wife with supposed neighbour Sarah (Sarah Brooks). When Don then spurns Sarah's follow-up advances, he soon finds her recurring presence to be a rather unsettling one.

Of course, while all of this is happening, we have goo spewing from walls, marbles randomly appearing in the house, and the murders of Don's pal Milo and poor, poor Cooper at the hands of Sarah.

Where Don realises that the sh*t has really hit the fan, mind, is during Girl on the Third Floor's final act when - after killing Sarah and then finding Milo's decapitated head - he's chased by a deformed female figure who attacks him with marbles.

As these marbles begin to get under his skin, cheating scumbag Don Koch knows he's done for.

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Senior Writer

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