10 Greatest Monster Movies Of The 21st Century

8. Trollhunter

Godzilla 2014
SF Norge A/S

The monster movie stands out as a uniquely transnational sub-genre of science-fiction, and filmmakers can easily adapt its formulas to their own nation-specific folklore. If Godzilla is an inherently Japanese story, and King Kong feels prototypically American, then Trollhunter is about as Norwegian as a monster movie could ever hope to be.

As an early graduate from the Cloverfield school of found footage monster movie-making, Trollhunter apes a lot of the same techniques as Matt Reeves’s movie, albeit with a lighter, more comedic touch. While it at first feels like a horror movie, Trollhunter actually winds up more closely resembling a nature documentary, an examination of Norwegian trolls in all their weird and wonderful forms.

It even veers off into full-on Twister territory at times, as troll hunter Hans and a group of tag along students attempt to chase and record the existence of giant foul-smelling beasts.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.