10 Greatest Movie Car Chases Of All Time

7. Gone In 60 Seconds (1974 version)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_eerDEARc Ignore the naff 2000 Nicolas Cage-starring remake - which did admittedly at least feature one competent chase scene - and go back to the 1974 version, which features one of the most ambitious chases in film history, with star and director HB Halicki getting totally carried away by having the film's climactic chase go on for a whopping 35 minutes! As Halicki tries to evade the authorities over almost half a dozen cities, it's a thoroughly exhilarating sequence, with perfectly peppered downtime to ensure that we don't get exhausted of all the wheel-spinning and shunting. Is it excessive? Absolutely, but it's also an instance of a filmmaker playing with his toys with a complete lack of restraint, and that's admirable; this is a film with a no-nonsense approach to its premise. Halicki doesn't jerk us around for 90 minutes to deliver a brief 10-minute chase at the end; the film is the chase for the most part, and this bravura sequence is among the most crowd-pleasing of chases in cinema.
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