10 Greatest Movie Cops

7. Lt. Frank Bullitt - Bullitt

bullitt The King of Cool, Steve McQueen himself, was always going to find his way onto this list. Everything from his impossibly hard sounding surname to his gorgeous car makes Bullitt the coolest screen cop we've ever seen. He stalks the streets of San Francisco with a silent calm, unafraid to strike violently when the opportunity arrives. The character fits perfectly into the cold, gloomy atmosphere of the film, and made McQueen even more iconic than he already was. McQueen is well known for his love of cars, and in Bullitt he gets to engage in one of cinema's finest car chases. Manning his beautiful 1968 Ford Mustang GT, Frank Bullitt and an assassin enthrall us in a realistically looking high-speed chase that builds momentum superbly. San Francisco and McQueen never looked cooler.
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