After the disastrous Child's Play 3 writer Don Mancini and director Ronny Yu took the franchise in a new comedic direction, this time around our favourite killer doll Chucky hooked up with his ex-girlfriend Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly). The film opens with Tiffany killing a police officer to get the severed pieces of Chucky. After reading a 'Voodoo For Dummies' book she brings the doll back to life. After a brief reconciliation Tiffany is heartbroken to learn that a ring that she had been holding onto since Chucky's "death" wasn't meant for a marriage proposal but was simply something he stole. Tiffany flips out and holds Chucky captive in a baby crib. Later that night, Tiffany watches Bride Of Frankenstein whilst taking a bath, and Chucky breaks free. He charges at her with a knife but she kicks him away prompting Chucky to dump the TV into bathtub punctually electrocuting Tiffany to death. This doesn't last long, Chucky transfers her body into a doll, they go on a killing spree and have weird doll sex.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: