10 Greatest Movie Extra Performances Ever

1. The Clumsy Stormtrooper - Star Wars: A New Hope

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And of course, there was only ever going to be one extra in the #1 spot, and that's the clumsy Stormtrooper who bumps his head on a door frame while entering the Death Star's control room in the original Star Wars.

The scene has been a source of considerable amusement among fans over the last four-plus decades, many wondering how George Lucas could allow such a blatant gaffe to make it into the final cut of his movie.

But we're so glad he did, because while the moment might only make the Stormtroopers look even more useless, it is a textbook example of a happy accident that generated one of the funniest moments in blockbuster cinema history.

Though many have claimed to be the extra in question, it appears that the real actor under the helmet was Laurie Goode, who blamed the mistake on being distracted by an upset stomach.

As nobody called "cut!" he assumed the bump wasn't visible on-camera, only to be surprised when he sat down to watch the film, that it was both caught on-camera and made it through the editing process.

The head-bump has been parodied in both wider pop-culture and the series itself, and while not a deliberate feat of acting on Goode's part, is nevertheless now a thankfully indelible part of Star Wars lore.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.