10 Greatest Movie Opening Scenes Of All Time
There is an important trick all movie makers learn before making any movie. As a recent Screenwriting graduate, this very trick was drummed into my head from the very beginning of my three years learning the craft of writing for film. That trick is this: make the first 10 minutes of your film truly great, and the audience will likely sit through and watch the film to the end with interest. Fail to grab the audiences attention within this 10 minutes and you more often than not lose your audience completely. In fact, if your screenplay isn't interesting within these first 10 pages, a script reader will most likely just stop reading your script at this point and your movie will never get made. Not all of the movies I have included on this list are movies that I ended up loving, but each one has a great opening couple of scenes which made sure that I at least watched on until the end. I will try to keep this list fairly brief, and let the openings speak for themselves, but the following 10 are movie openings I consider to be the very best. I welcome debate, and if I have missed out your favorite or simply overlooked a film, please inform me in the comments section. Speaking of overlooking things... this very word brings me neatly onto the film I have placed at number 10... Can you guess what it is...