10 Greatest Movie Opening Scenes Of All Time

5. The Lion King

http://youtu.be/vX07j9SDFcc If you have sat and watched each clip I attached in this post, right about now you are probably wetting your pants with fear. The Shining, Funny Games and A Clockwork Orange pretty much in a row is almost too much for anyone to be able to cope with, so instead of showing the next scary movie opening scene (can you guess which one it is) I thought it would be best for you to have a little bit of a break. So let's watch some Disney. This is perhaps the iconic moment from any Disney film past and present. It is one of the two (Mufasa's death also) biggest moments from this film and it perfectly introduces us into the world of this movie. It is impossible not to love this opening and I have yet to find someone who hates it. Just look at the number of views this YouTube clip has received (37 million is a lot of people). The animation is arguably the best a Disney movie had looked up until this point and the song really knows how to pull at the heart strings. This scene has the power to bring me right back to the moment when I first saw this truly incredible movie, and if I had to credit one scene for having the most profound effect on me as a child this would be that scene. Having re-watched the movie recently, it is actually worse than I remember it being, and whereas before I would have credited it as my favorite Disney movie of all time- now I would probably give that title to The Hunchback of Notre Dame. That said, this is still probably my favorite ever scene from any Disney movie, and it deserves it's place here on this list.
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I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)