10 Greatest Murder-Mystery Films That Fooled Us All

8. The Vanishing

the vanishing movie
Argos Films

What was originally a Dutch-French film adapted from the novella titled, Golden Egg, The Vanishing follows a lover's obsession over what happened to his girlfriend three years ago while vacationing in France: Rex and Saskia stop at a petrol station to fuel up and Saskia is never seen again.

What had us hooked as viewers wasn't who the killer was - you discovered that early on - but what actually happened to this man's lover. This question culminates in a scene between the killer and Rex, when the killer tells him that the only way to learn the truth of what happened is to experience it himself.

We won't give away the ending, but the way in which this filmed fooled us all wasn't finding out who the killer was, it was discovering the ultimate fate of Rex and the mystery behind the golden egg Saskia was seeing in her dreams early on in the film. The Dutch film was adapted to Hollywood but critics didn't care for it as much as the original, because - spoiler alert! - there was a happier ending.


Matthew Moffitt hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.