10 Greatest Murder-Mystery Films That Fooled Us All

7. Se7en

Se7en Whats In The Box
New Line

It's hard to say if there is a movie more disturbing and haunting than Se7en. Over the span of seven days, a killer, John Doe, targets people who exhibit one of the seven deadly sins from the Bible. Each murder is gruesome, traumatizing, and psychologically destructive to the characters and the audience.

But there's more: Se7en goes down as the one of only films to fool the viewer twice. First, the writers never reveal who plays the killer in the film, as they leave him out of the credits, and when we see him, we can't help but even be more scared by the actor that plays him - the man has a way of playing a dedicated psychopath that gives us shudders.

Second is the climatic scene between Mills and Doe, and having the audience wonder what's in the box (WHAT'S IN THE BOX? WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!). We were fooled. John Doe had turned himself into the police and agreed to lead the detectives to the last two bodies. We couldn't be that gullible, could we? We knew he had something up his sleeve, right? We may have, but no one expected THAT.


Matthew Moffitt hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.