10 Greatest Opening Shots From Recent Movies

7. Spencer

The Green Knight

Spencer was one of last year's most singularly beautiful films, shot with outstanding, Oscar-worthy skill by Claire Mathon, as is apparent from its jaw-dropping first shot.

The opening visual is a locked-off glimpse of a frosty field in the early hours of the morning - a seemingly totally ordinary, yet gorgeous, capture of nature's beauty.

But after a few beats, we see movement in the background: a massive convoy of vehicles driving down the road.

Without context it seems like the sort of military escort afforded to, say, the transport of nuclear weapons, but moments later it's revealed to be the Army detail headed to the Queen's Sandringham House to perform security checks and deliver the food the British Royal family will be eating during their Christmas Eve meal.

The juxtaposition of nature's straight-forward beauty with the industrious, literally military precision of the convoy is an apt metaphor for the movie and Diana's (Kristen Stewart) person turmoil itself, and just a damn fine image on its own merits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.