10 Greatest Plot Twists In The History Of Cinema

9. A History of Violence (2005)

New Line Cinema

The Plot: Family man Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) becomes a local celebrity when he successfully (read: violently) fends off two criminals who try to hold-up his coffee shop. The media coverage that follows leads Carl Fogarty (Ed Harris) to Tom, who claims Stall isn't the mild-mannered man he comes across as, but instead a violent mobster he knew back in Philadelphia.

The Twist: Not much to say here: Tom is who Fogarty says he is.

Why It€™s Great: If it doesn't sound like much of a twist, then keep in mind that Stall spends the first half of the film convincing us he has no idea what Fogarty is on about. It€™s testament to Mortensen€™s acting that we almost believe him, too. But while the title basically gives it away, and while the twist comes half-way through, this one remains great because it plays to the idea alluded to in the introduction: we basically know the twist, but when Stall utters the immortal line that confirms it, we€™re still pretty damn surprised.


No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?