10 Greatest Plot Twists In The History Of Cinema

4. Chinatown (1974)

Paramount Pictures

The Plot: The first of two masterpieces on this list, Chinatown sees Jack Nicholson€™s iconic private investigator, J.J. Gittes, tackle a sprawling case that involves murder, political corruption, and ancestral upheaval. What starts out as a pretty innocuous matrimonial case turns into the devastating saga of the Cross family, led eerily by their patriarch, Noah Cross (John Huston).

The Twist: Gittes becomes romantically involved with Cross€™ daughter, Evelyn (Faye Dunaway), eventually finding out that Evelyn€™s sister is also her daughter€”a result of an incestuous relationship with the evil Cross when she was just 15.

Why It€™s Great: Great for the scene it occurs in€”€œshe€™s my sister€ *slap* €œshe€™s my daughter€ *slap* €œshe€™s my sister and my daughter€ *what?*€”and great because it happens in one of one of the all-time greats, Chinatown€™s reveal is a stomach-punch of the most heinous kind. We know there is evil in the film, but we don€™t know exactly how deep that evil goes until the emotional twist ¾ of the way through. It€™s not so much shocking and surprising as it is disturbing and depressing, and, as the iconic last parts of the film play out, the twist and its words echo over the film's famous dénouement like a lingering mantra.


No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?