10 Greatest Plot Twists In The History Of Cinema

3. Oldboy (2003)

Egg Films

The Plot: A man is imprisoned for 15 years for reasons unbeknownst. He is then inexplicably let out and given only five days to find his captor.

The Twist: The man, Dae-su Oh (Min-sik Choi), falls in love with a waitress after his release and begins an intense, sexual relationship with her. This was all part of his captor€™s plan, however, as he€”Woo-jin Lee (Ji-tae Yu)€”has hypnotised Dae-su into doing so. His reasons? Oh, you know, just the fact that the waitress is Dae-su€™s daughter (let that one sink in a moment) and Woo-jin wants revenge for a rumour Dae-su spread at school about Jin and his own sister.

Why It€™s Great: Probably the most down-right messed-up entry on this list, and certainly the one that provokes the best response from first time viewers. The twist is made greater by what happens next: Dae-su hypnotises himself again so that he can forget that she is his daughter and keep on loving her, *like that*, regardless. The fact that the twist was changed and lessened for Spike Lee€™s American remake suggests its place as something both unique and distressing.


No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?