10 Greatest Pre-Kill Movie Lines


The Lion King Scar Mufasa
Warner Bros.

Zack Synder's instantly recognizable outing 300 tells the tale of the titular force of Spartan soldiers, who survived for an inconceivable amount of time facing insurmountable odds imposed by a Persian invasion. Before said invasion - and subsequent improbable defense - begins, the Persian "God King" Xerxes sends an emissary to the Spartans of Greece, inviting them to bend the knee.

The residents of ancient Sparta do not take kindly to unwelcome visitors bringing tidings of war and demands of fealty. Unfortunately for Xerxes' messenger, it is quite clear that nobody bothered to warn the unfortunate envoy; the man arrives brazenly, bearing the severed heads of kings who opposed the Persians and demanding a tribute of "earth and water" from the defiant Greeks with the same level of caution as one borrowing a hosepipe from an elderly neighbor.

"Earth and water? You'll find plenty of it down there."

The bristling King draws his sword and fixes his blazing gaze upon the suddenly shrinking emissary, who fearfully declaims proceedings as madness. Leonidas looks questioningly at his queen, who indicates her approval with the most imperceptible of nods, before the King roars what is arguably the most famous of all cinematic war cries.


The hapless emissary and his lackies are booted into a bottomless pit by the enraged Spartans in an unashamed declaration of war against their would-be invaders; the war is (quite literally) kicked off by one of the most unforgettable pre-kill one liners ever seen on the silver screen.

In this post: 
The Lion King
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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.