10 Greatest Quentin Tarantino Collaborators

1. Bob & Harvey Weinstein

url-9 Ever since the film business became just that - a business - there has always been someone looking over the creative€™s shoulders. From moguls to exec producers and studio heads, the director€™s creative license has always been kept an eye on - and often restricted by the money men. Even some of the world€™s most successful and seasoned directors had to make sure they were giving something back to their bosses in order to fulfil their own creative urges. Take Martin Scorsese. For every Raging Bull, there has to be a The King of Comedy. For every Goodfellas, there has to be a Casino. If Tarantino wasn€™t granted the backing the Weinstein€™s unreservedly have always supported him with, he would probably still have made the same films €“ just on a lesser budget. But they did support him. They supported him with every single crazy, leftfield idea he put to them, and they still do. Now, when Tarantino comes to them with a pitch, they sit a little more comfortably due to the fact every film he has ever made has been a success. But that€™s to their credit. Quite simply, if it wasn€™t for the Weinstein boys, we wouldn€™t have the luxury of wetting our pants in excitement every time we hear there will be a new film by Quentin Tarantino. (A Band) Apart of: 8 Features Collaborative Influence: 9/10 Click "next" for an honourable mention...

I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.