10 Greatest Quentin Tarantino Collaborators

2. Uma Thurman

Suda-Kill-Bill I€™m sure if Tarantino compiled this list and was true to himself, Uma Thurman would be sitting comfortably at the top (probably with bare feet). Many directors display favouritism when it comes to choosing leads, and for a while at least, Thurman was Tarantino's favourite. At times, this relationship looked to be a little more cosy than just a purely professional collaboration, culminating with Thurman splitting with hubby Ethan Hawke while working with Tarantino. And when the final credits rolled for Kill Bill Vol. 2 with the dreamy line €œBased on the character The Bride by Q & U," we would have been forgiven for thinking Quentin may ask Uma to be his real life bride soon after. Anyway, I€™ll digress as this is starting to sound a little like OK! Magazine. Uma was wicked in Pulp Fiction, a revelation to rival Ripley in the Kill Bills, and let€™s hope she€™s ready to give us more of the same in Kill Bill Vol. 3. (A Band) Apart Of: 3 Features Collaborative Influence: 8/10

I am a copywriter, creative writer and film enthusiast. My passion is writing about film and one day soon, I hope to be able to do this full time, at home, in my pyjamas.