10 Greatest Quentin Tarantino Collaborators

3. Lawrence Bender

url-8 Much like Sally Menke, producer Lawrence Bender is a stalwart when it comes to collaborating with Quentin Tarantino. And like Menke, Bender often relied on Tarantino€™s films for the big pay checks. Granted, he does have a lot of credits on his CV, but if you look much further than Good Will Hunting, From Dusk Till Dawn or An Inconvenient Truth, you realise the reputable work must be attracted to him rather than the vice-versa. So again, it would seem Tarantino€™s influence has aided an undeniably talented collaborator, albeit one who may be a little lost for direction without the helmer at his side. And Bender should be fine for the foreseeable future, especially if he sticks with the biggest chin in Hollywood. Kill Bill Vol. 3 is heavily rumoured to be his next project, and once again, Bender will be on Producer duties. (A Band) Apart Of: 6 Features Collaborative Influence: 8/10

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