10 Greatest Unspoken Action Movie Plot Points

1. McDonald's (Possibly) Still Exists - Mad Max: Fury Road

V For Vendetta
Warner Bros.

One of the many great things about Mad Max: Fury Road is how organically it doles out its world-building, both through its mesmerising visuals and unique use of unconventional language.

One such moment occurs during the movie when Nux (Nicholas Hoult) has a heart-to-heart with his love interest Capable (Riley Keough), and tells her, "I should be walking with the Immorta. McFeasting with the heroes of all time."

It's incredibly easily missed, but yes, Nux says "McFeasting," which is presumably a reference to McDonald's and suggests a couple of interesting things about the world of the movie.

For one, McDonald's is in the very least still remembered in this post-apocalyptic hell, whether it's somehow still around in some form or not.

It's also reasonable to assume that this is possibly part of Immortan Joe's (Hugh Keays-Byrne) rhetoric spewed to his War Boys.

Having presumably lived a long portion of his life prior to the apocalypse, Joe lifted elements from commercial culture - like McDonald's and referring to water as "Aqua Cola" - to regale and indoctrinate his followers.

Whatever you take away from it, the bizarre McDonald's reference only further compounds the film's sledgehammer-subtle critique of capitalism, which one way or another remains woven into the lives of those living in the wasteland.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.