10 Greatest Unspoken Action Movie Plot Points

9. The Stolen Painting Is A Real Stolen Painting - Skyfall

V For Vendetta

You might remember that, mid-way through Skyfall, James Bond (Daniel Craig) visits Shanghai and watches as Severine (Bérénice Marlohe) lures a man to be assassinated by showing him what's assumed to be a valuable stolen painting.

Funnily enough this wasn't just some random piece of art mocked up by the film's art department - it was actually a replica of a real piece of stolen artwork.

The piece is "Woman with a Fan," a 1919 painting by Amedeo Modigliani which was stolen from the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris in 2010 and has yet to be recovered.

Given that Skyfall started shooting in late 2011, the theft was certainly still a major news item at the time, and incorporating it into the world of the movie was fun for fine art lovers - even if most everybody else missed it.

But this isn't actually the first time the Bond franchise has worked a real-life art crime into the fabric of its own universe.

The very first Bond film, Dr. No, slyly revealed that Francisco Goya's painting "Portrait of the Duke of Wellington" - which was missing at the time the film was shooting - had been appropriated by the titular villain (Joseph Wiseman) and now resided in his lair. Incredible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.