10 Greatest Unspoken Horror Movie Plot Points

6. Mr. Bobinsky Survived Chernobyl - Coraline

Friday the 13th Jason Goes to Hell
Focus Features

Henry Selick's Coraline is one of the greatest stop-motion animations of all time - a delirious fantasy-horror film in which the titular 11-year-old (Dakota Fanning) discovers a door to an idyllic parallel universe in her new home.

It is a film overflowing with incredible, easily missed details, though easily the most fascinating of the bunch involves Coraline's kooky neighbour Mr. Bobinsky (Ian McShane).

Throughout the film, no matter what he's wearing otherwise, he has a distinctive medal pinned to the breast.

Though you probably paid this no mind, given that the medal isn't actually verbally mentioned in the film, it turns out that it was given to the "Liquidators" who helped clean up the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

To this day it's thankfully the only medal awarded for participating in the cleanup of a nuclear accident, but the sad reality is that many of the Liquidators suffered from debilitating physical and mental ailments in the ensuring decades. Quite a price to pay for heroism.

Within that context, Mr. Bobinsky's eccentric behaviour actually seems considerably more tragic, and may even explain why he sports blue skin.

Trust Henry Selick of all people to sneak a secret subplot about the aftermath of Chernobyl into his "family friendly" animation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.