10 Greatest Unspoken Horror Movie Plot Points

3. The Woman Enters The House Early - Inside

Friday the 13th Jason Goes to Hell
La Fabrique de Films

Inside is one hell of an intense ride, and on the surface a blunt - if brilliantly wrought - exercise that hasn't got much time for subtlety. That said, there is one fiendishly sly moment early on which silently fills in the blanks of the plot otherwise taking place off-screen.

The film revolves around a heavily pregnant woman, Sarah (Alysson Paradis), being terrorised by a mysterious woman (BĂ©atrice Dalle) who wants her baby. After their initial encounter, Sarah calls the police, who arrive at the property and assure her that she will be fine.

However, keep your eyes on the left-hand side of the frame while an officer is talking to Sarah on her sofa, and you'll be faintly able to see the woman entering the house.

This pays off a few scenes later when the woman gives Sarah a rather nasty surprise in her bedroom, having apparently camped out quietly in the house until the police left and Sarah went to bed.

That's... creepy as all hell. Once you see her making her grand entrance, you won't miss it ever again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.