10 Greatest Unspoken Horror Movie Plot Points

4. Severen Wears Police Badges As Trophies - Near Dark

Friday the 13th Jason Goes to Hell
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

Kathryn Bigelow's masterful vampire noir Near Dark is surely best remembered for Bill Paxton's magnificent performance as the utterly unhinged blood-sucker Severen.

And while you'll probably recall that Severen wears a distinctive black leather jacket throughout the film, Paxton's free-wheeling performance is so damn captivating you couldn't be blamed for failing to look closer and see the real detail.

On Severen's jacket are a number of metal badges, many of which upon closer inspection are actually revealed to be police badges.

The suggestion, clearly, is that Severen has targeted cops while out hunting for food, and keeps the badges as crude "trophies" for his efforts.

It's certainly consistent with Severen's sadistic established personality to do something like that, and it's fun to consider a prequel story to the movie where he preys upon cops in order to decorate his beloved jacket.

On the other hand, considering the many missing police officers Severen has presumably left in his wake, that's one hell of an easy way for him to get himself caught.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.