10 Greatest Villain Introductions In Movie History

8. Frank - Once Upon A Time In The West

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger
Paramount Pictures

According to the legendary thespian himself, after accepting the role of the "heavy" mercenary known as Frank in Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West, Henry Fonda decided to show up to set sporting a pair of brown contact lenses and a sinister moustache.

But the masterful director didn't want to hide the long-time leading man's unmistakable blue eyes and movie hero mug behind any facial hair. He wanted audiences to be absolutely rocked by the reveal of Fonda as the despicable figure responsible for the heinous acts that set the stage for his iconic close-up arrival.

Gunning down the majority of the McBain family from afar on their "Sweetwater" ranch, the remaining young lad of the clan scurries out to find his father, brother, and sister massacred on the dusty ground.

The five figures behind this cruel and brutal collection of murders then wander towards the frozen youngster as Ennio Morricone's stunning score swells. And not long after the camera pans around to blow the minds of all who'd come to know Fonda as one of the heroic faces of cinema at that time, one of Frank's men using their leader's name in front of the boy leads to the most barbaric of exclamation points.

"Now that you've called me by name..." followed by the cold killing of the last McBain kid.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...